Getting Started

The logikal-docs package provides the docs command-line tool which simplifies Python documentation building and management.

You can install logikal-docs from pypi:

pip install logikal-docs

Once installed, you may build your documentation by executing docs -b in the root of your Python project, after which you can open your current documentation in the browser by executing docs. You can always access a short usage help by executing docs --help or docs -h.


The documentation is built with Sphinx using the Read the Docs Sphinx theme. Note that we pre-configure Sphinx building and output and we also read out and forward the necessary project information from your pyproject.toml file, therefore you typically only need to add and configure your own extensions in your docs/ file (which is now optional). Additionally, we use an improved theme style file with well-defined fonts and a more fluid responsive user experience, among other minor patches.

We use the available git tags starting with v[0-9] to identify the current version and to populate the automatically generated version selection panel.


You can install logikal-docs with Jupyter support:

pip install logikal-docs[jupyter]

This allows you to run and render the result of arbitrary Python statements (via the Jupyter Sphinx extension):

from pandas import DataFrame

    'Movie': ['The Lord of the Rings', 'Back to the Future', 'Blade Runner'],
    'Budget [M USD]': [93, 19, 30],
    'Box Office [M USD]': [898, 389, 42],
Movie Budget [M USD] Box Office [M USD]
0 The Lord of the Rings 93 898
1 Back to the Future 19 389
2 Blade Runner 30 42