
Everything in pyorbs can be controlled using a single orb command. You can always access a short usage help by executing orb --help or orb -h.

Making Orbs

Making a new orb is fairly simple:

$ orb -m magic

This will create a new virtual environment called magic using venv in your orb storage folder ($XDG_DATA_HOME/pyorbs by default), upgrade pip, prepare pyorb’s shell initialization files, install the necessary packages using pip install --upgrade and generate a requirements lockfile if one does not exist yet (based on requirements.txt or requirements/dev.txt by default).


Package installation is done based on the requirements lockfile if one exists, otherwise the requirements file is used directly. While we recommend relying on lockfiles in order to have deterministic deployments you can disable this feature using the --bare command-line option.


The orb storage folder can be specified for any orb action using the --path option.

Specifying a different orb storage folder, requirements file and Python executable can be done as:

$ orb -m magic --path ~/.virtualenvs -r requirements/airflow.txt -e python3.11

Listing & Destroying Orbs

Orbs can be listed like so:

$ orb -l

Destroying an orb is quite straightforward too:

$ orb -d magic

Activating & Deactivating Orbs

Orb activation is not very difficult:

$ orb magic

This will spawn a new sub-shell, initialize it and enter the virtual environment and the project directory (which is the folder in which the orb was originally created). In case you do not want to change your working directory you can use the --no-cd option.

In order to deactivate an orb simply exit the shell by typing exit or hit Ctrl + d.

You can also run a command in a given environment without the interactive shell:

$ orb magic -c ./magical-app

Please keep in mind that the working directory is also changed in this case before running the command, but again, you can use the --no-cd option to override this behavior.

Managing Requirements

The recommended way to manage the requirements of your application is through pip requirements files.

In order to support deterministic deployments lockfiles are used. When an existing orb’s requirements change you can update its package environment and the appropriate requirements lockfile as follows:

$ orb -u magic

This will re-create the magic orb (using requirements.txt or requirements/dev.txt by default) and trigger a re-generation of the requirements lockfile if the requirements changed. This includes changes to files that are further specified within the appropriate requirements files using the -r or -c options.


You do not need to specify the orb name when you are already inside one – pyorbs will default to using the current orb for all actions when no orb is specified explicitly.


Whether a lockfile is outdated is assessed using a hash of the concatenated requirements and constraints files which is stored in the header of each lockfile.

In case you only want to generate or re-generate lockfiles you can use the orb --freeze or orb -f command. You can also specify the Python executable with this command when necessary using the --executable or -e option. Finally, you can use the orb --test or orb -t command for checking whether your lockfiles are up-to-date.


You can freeze or test multiple requirements files in one run by specifying a folder instead of a single file with the --requirements or -r option. This can be useful when you need to manage multiple requirements files for different environments for example. Note that files which do not have lockfiles already will not be frozen or tested in this case.

Glowing Orb

The name of the orb which was last activated is saved in a file called glowing in the orb storage folder. This then becomes the default orb name for all subsequent commands which are executed outside an orb until another orb is activated or until the user toggles orb glow using the --glow or -g command-line option. This makes it very simple to activate the last used orb for example by just executing orb without any arguments.


The glowing orb is marked with a star in the orb list output.

This mechanism can be leveraged in terminal multiplexers to automatically enter the active orb in new windows or panes. For example, in the case of tmux one could add the line

bind -n C-t new-window -c '#{pane_current_path}' 'orb --shell'

to the tmux configuration file to make Ctrl + t open a new window at the current pane path with the currently glowing orb activated. The --shell option ensures that a top-level interactive shell (and thus a window) is always created, even when there is no orb to activate.

Command Completion

You can install Bash command completion by executing the following command:

$ orb --bash > ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/orb"