Getting Started


The pytest-logikal package provides an improved pytest environment which automatically runs a broad range of checks:

The django extra provides additional checks:

The black extra provides even further checks:

  • Standardized code style and formatting checks (via Black)

The checks are configured to be strict, and all checks and tests are distributed across multiple CPUs by default (via pytest-xdist).


You can simply install pytest-logikal from pypi:

pip install pytest-logikal

In addition to providing an opinionated default configuration, it also makes the output of the various pytest plugins more consistent.



The black extra adds code style and formatting checks:

pip install pytest-logikal[black]


We don’t use the Black standard style at Logikal because it forces function arguments to be overly terse occasionally, and because it prefers to enforce a double-quoted style for strings. We prefer using single quotes as they typically put less strain on the hand during typing, and as strings are typed and edited very often we believe this process should be as seamless as possible.


The browser extra installs logikal-browser and provides the browser fixture for convenient browser automation in tests:

pip install pytest-logikal[browser]


You may also use the django extra to install the necessary packages, plugins and fixtures for testing Django projects:

pip install pytest-logikal[django]

This will additionally install and configure django-stubs, pylint-django, pytest-django and pytest-factoryboy.


Your system must have a working Node.js and npm installation that can be used to install and run Stylelint and ESLint.


The v.Nu Docker Compose service must be available for the CSS and SVG validation to work. We recommend adding the following service to your project’s compose.yml file:

    ports: [{target: 8888}]

When using the django extra you must also specify the Django settings module and mypy plugin path in your pyproject.toml file as follows:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = 'project.settings.testing'

plugins = ['mypy_django_plugin.main']


You shall not change the standard, default configuration when working on Logikal software. Nonetheless, regular configuration options for the various tools in the pyproject.toml file will be typically respected. Additionally, you can extend the allowed licenses and packages for the license checker plugin as follows:

extend_allowed_licenses = ['^Allowed License$']

package = '^Package License$'

Note that the licenses are Python regular expressions that are matched from the beginning of the actual license string. You can also override the default licenses and packages (instead of extending them) via the tool.licenses.allowed_licenses and tool.licenses.allowed_packages options.