

The default installation provides the mocker fixture via pytest-mock.


The browser extra provides a new browser() fixture:

pytest_logikal.browser.plugin.browser() Browser

Yield a scenario-specific Browser sub-class instance.

class pytest_logikal.browser.Browser

Bases: ABC, WebDriver

Base class for browser-specific web drivers.

check(name: str | None = None, wait_milliseconds: int | None = 100) None

Create a screenshot and check it against an expected version.

  • name – The name of the expected screenshot.

  • wait_milliseconds – The milliseconds to wait before calculating the screenshot height for unlimited height checks.

replace_text(element: Any, text: str) None

Replace the text of an element.

  • element – The element to use.

  • text – The new text value.

wait_for_element(by: str, value: str, timeout_seconds: int = 10, poll_frequency: float = 0.5) None

Wait until a given element is present.

  • by – The selector type to use for locating the element.

  • value – The selector value to use for locating the element.

  • timeout_seconds – The maximal time to wait.

  • poll_frequency – Sleep interval between checks.

login(user: Any, force: bool = True) None


The django extra must be installed for this method to work.

Log in a given user.

  • user – The user to log in.

  • force – Whether to log the user in without going through the authentication steps.

Browser settings must be specified via the set_browser() decorator:

@pytest_logikal.browser.set_browser(scenarios: Scenario | list[Scenario]) Callable[[Any], Any]

Apply the given scenarios to the browser() fixture.


scenarios – The scenarios to use.

You can specify browser scenarios with this decorator as follows:

from pytest_django.live_server_helper import LiveServer

from pytest_logikal.browser import Browser, scenarios, set_browser

def test_homepage(browser: Browser, live_server: LiveServer) -> None:

You can also run your test in multiple scenarios:

from pytest_django.live_server_helper import LiveServer

from pytest_logikal.browser import Browser, scenarios, set_browser

def test_homepage(browser: Browser, live_server: LiveServer) -> None:

Custom scenarios can be specified via the Scenario class:

class pytest_logikal.browser.Scenario(settings: Settings | Iterable[Settings], browsers: Iterable[str] | None = None)

Browser scenario specification.

  • settings – Settings to use.

  • browsers – Browsers to use. Defaults to using all registered browser versions.

class pytest_logikal.browser.Settings(name: str, width: int, height: int, full_page_height: bool = True, mobile: bool = False)

Browser settings specification.

  • name – Name of the settings.

  • width – Browser window width.

  • height – Browser window height.

  • full_page_height – Whether to use the full page height for screenshots.

  • mobile – Whether it is a mobile browser.

Built-in Scenarios

Currently the following built-in scenarios are available:

pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.desktop_4k = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='desktop_4k', width=2560, height=1440, full_page_height=True, mobile=False), browsers=None)
pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.desktop = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='desktop', width=1800, height=900, full_page_height=True, mobile=False), browsers=None)
pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.laptop_l = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='laptop_l', width=1440, height=900, full_page_height=True, mobile=False), browsers=None)
pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.laptop = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='laptop', width=1024, height=768, full_page_height=True, mobile=False), browsers=None)
pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.tablet = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='tablet', width=768, height=1024, full_page_height=True, mobile=True), browsers=None)
pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.mobile_l = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='mobile_l', width=425, height=680, full_page_height=True, mobile=True), browsers=None)
pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.mobile_m = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='mobile_m', width=375, height=600, full_page_height=True, mobile=True), browsers=None)
pytest_logikal.browser.scenarios.mobile_s = Scenario(settings=Settings(name='mobile_s', width=320, height=512, full_page_height=True, mobile=True), browsers=None)


The django extra provides a new live_url fixture:

pytest_logikal.django.live_url(name: str | None, args: Sequence[Any] | None, kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None) str

Return the path to a URL.

  • name – The URL pattern name.

  • args – The URL arguments to use.

  • kwargs – The URL keyword arguments to use.


The django extra also provides the language fixture:

pytest_logikal.django.language(request: Any) Iterable[str]

Return the currently activated language.

You may control the language for a specific test with the set_language or all_languages decorators:

@pytest_logikal.django.set_language(*language_codes: str) Callable[[Any], Any]

Mark a test to run with each of the specified languages.


*language_codes – The language codes to use.


You must also use the language fixture in your test when applying this decorator.

@pytest_logikal.django.all_languages Callable[[Any], Any]

Mark a test to run with every available language.


You must also use the language fixture in your test when applying this decorator.


The django extra also provides the timezone fixture:

pytest_logikal.django.timezone(request: Any) Iterable[str]

Return the current time zone ID.

You may control the time zone for a specific test with the set_timezone decorator:

@pytest_logikal.django.set_timezone(*zone_ids: str) Callable[[Any], Any]

Mark a test to run with each of the specified time zones.


*zone_ids – The time zone IDs to use.


You must also use the timezone fixture in your test when applying this decorator.