
External APIs typically require the caller to present a set of authentication credentials. In the case of cloud infrastructure providers (Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services in particular) Stormware uses locally available credentials that are generated and also used by cloud CLI tools.


You must install the google extra when using the Google Cloud Platform authentication mechanism.


You must install the amazon extra when using the Amazon Web Services authentication mechanism.

Google Cloud Platform

The default authentication mechanism (implemented in GCPAuth) first looks for a set of credentials in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gcloud/credentials/{organization_id}.json file, where organization_id is derived from the provided organization value by replacing dots with dashes. If the organization credentials file does not exist, we use the application default credentials.


We recommend using the gcpl script for generating organization credentials. Note that you need to add the -s stormware option if you are using Google connectors that are not related to the Google Cloud Platform (for example, the Google Sheets connector).

A default organization and project can be set under the tool.stormware section of a project’s pyproject.toml file as follows:

organization = ''
project = 'my-project'

If the project is not provided, the value is used from the pyproject.toml file instead.

Amazon Web Services

The authentication logic is implemented in AWSAuth – we look for the credentials of the organization_id named profile, which is derived the same way as it is for the Google Cloud Platform authentication. If the credentials cannot be found for the named profile then the boto3 credential location mechanism is used.


We recommend using the awsl script for generating named profile credentials.

Secret Store

The credentials for most connectors are retrieved from a secret store, which has the following abstract interface:

class stormware.secrets.SecretStore
abstract __getitem__(key: str) str

Retrieve the secret under the given key.

Stormware comes with two built-in secret store implementations for Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, and further secret stores can be easily added by simply inheriting and implementing the SecretStore interface.


When no secret store is explicitly provided the connectors default to using the Google Cloud Secret Manager store when the google extra is installed and the AWS Secrets Manager store when the amazon extra is installed. If both extras are installed, the Google Cloud Secret Manager store takes precedence.

For further information regarding connector authentication please consult the documentation of the specific connector that you intend to use.

Authentication Managers

class str | None = None, project: str | None = None)

Google Cloud Platform authentication manager.

project(project: str | None = None) str

Return the project name.

Defaults to the project value set in pyproject.toml under the tool.stormware section or the name value set under the project section.

project_id(organization: str | None = None, project: str | None = None) str

Return the project ID.

The project ID is constructed as {project}-{organization_id}.

organization_credentials_path(organization: str | None = None) Path | None

Return the path to the organization credentials or None if it does not exist.

Constructed as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gcloud/credentials/{organization_id}.json.

credentials(organization: str | None = None, project: str | None = None) Credentials

Return the organization credentials when they exist or the application default credentials.

organization(organization: str | None = None) str

Return the organization name.

Defaults to the organization value set in pyproject.toml under the tool.stormware section.

organization_id(organization: str | None = None) str

Return the organization ID.

The organization ID is derived from the organization name by replacing dots with dashes.

class*args: Any, credentials: Path = PosixPath('~/.aws/credentials'), **kwargs: Any)

Amazon Web Services authentication manager.


The available named profiles.



profile(organization: str | None = None) str | None

Return the profile name (same as the organization ID) or None if it does not exist.

organization(organization: str | None = None) str

Return the organization name.

Defaults to the organization value set in pyproject.toml under the tool.stormware section.

organization_id(organization: str | None = None) str

Return the organization ID.

The organization ID is derived from the organization name by replacing dots with dashes.

session(organization: str | None = None, region: str | None = None) Session

Return a session that uses named profile credentials (if it exists).